We can create your archive so that you house your own documents (and keep them safe)
or we can house your digital content for you (in a fully-redundant data center that's
backed up twice each day). We can build it to look like your existing library site,
or give it a look all its own. What we do is up to you.
We can provide you as many (or as few) search handles as you'd like. Want users
to be able to search by date? By document? By archive? By collection? Want users
to be able to search by creation or publish date or location? It's all possible,
and it's all up to you. You decide what your users see.
There's nothing you can't do, and we're there to help you every step of the way.
Take a look at our demo site to get a feel for a simple "out
of the box" configuration, or contact us and we'll put
together a demonstration that's built around you. It's true. Whatever you can dream
up, we can do.